Regional research project: Continuing to map flora and fauna in 2021

Presentation of interim results, current work plans

LEADER project: “Mapping the flora and fauna in the nature reserves of the nature park area (Moors without borders) and building a mapping network” at Emsland Moormuseum
This project has been under development at Emsland Moormuseum since 2015 and funding was available from 07/2018 to 08/2021 within the framework of LEADER and the district of Emsland. The project centres on recording the species inventory in the protected areas of the Moor Nature Park and establishing a mapping network. The initial mapping is intended to form a foundation which can be built on to show longer term developments when recounts are carried out in subsequent years. The project relies on the voluntary cooperation of local cartographers.

The project has got off to a good start, with a team of around 30 volunteers taking care of species recording, each according to their expertise. For individual species for which voluntary recording is not an option, offices are engaged to carry out the mapping insofar as possible. Subject to a few restrictions regarding endangered species, results are to be openly communicated and available for research or further project work by anyone at any time. To this end, a database will be set up which will be available here soon.

When recording the flora, the biotope types are mapped. Areas in which one or more species from the following list are found are examined for their plant communities: Golden bog-moss, Sphagnum pulchrum (RL-N 2), Sphagnum medium (RL-N 3), bog asphodel, Narthecium ossifragum (RL-N 3), Trichophorum cespitosum ssp. germanicum (RL-N 3), white beak-rush, Rhynchospora alba (RL-N 3), small cranberry, Vaccinium oxycoccos (RL-N 3), blue ice, Andromeda polifolia (RL-N 3), inundated club moss, Lycopodiella inundata (RL-N 3), Drosera intermedia (RL-N 3), roundleaf sundew, Drosera rotundifolia (RL-N 3).
With regard to fauna, some interesting discoveries have already been made. For instance, in the southern moorland in Versen, the heath rustic, Xestia agathina (RL-N 1) was observed, and on the Rühl moorland


Emsland Moormuseum e.V.
Geestmoor 6
49744 Geeste / Groß Hesepe

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